Hi, I'm Devaki Douillard

Hi, I'm Devaki Douillard, the Mwebaza Foundation's Development Assistant. This year I'm returning to Africa to visit our partner schools in Uganda and Kenya. I'll be working on documentary interviews, scholarship programs, solar panel purchases, 2 new school building constructions, sustainable lunch programs and much more! Follow me on this journey from June 30th-July 26th.

The Mwebaza Foundation’s mission is to enrich the relationships among our Colorado and African partner schools through cross-cultural exchange and service learning that enhances educational opportunities, fosters a healthy learning environment, and promotes self-sufficiency.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Based off of the pen pal letter writing success we had yesterday by giving the older students freedom to write their own letters, today we implemented something similar for the younger classes. I decided to match up every young student with and older student partner who would help them write their pen pal letters. This worked great since it gave the younger students the ability to say what they wanted to say to their pen pals, even if they don't have the English skills to do so on their own yet.  

In the afternoon, Namatovu and I headed to the office of Raising Voices, a domestic violence prevention organization. Raising Voices specifically addresses violence against women and children. To learn more about Raising Voices, please click here to visit their website. I had made it a priority for myself this trip to visit Raising Voices to see if their programs of prevention could be something we implement in our partner schools, not because the children at our partner schools are victims of violence in the classroom, but because raising awareness and starting the discussion at an early age is the best way to prevent violence in the future and change the mindset that violence against women and children in the household is acceptable. I was very impressed with the strategies they employ. They give all the tools one needs to change, and the rest is up to you, which I think is the only way you can do it because real change comes from within.  

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