Hi, I'm Devaki Douillard

Hi, I'm Devaki Douillard, the Mwebaza Foundation's Development Assistant. This year I'm returning to Africa to visit our partner schools in Uganda and Kenya. I'll be working on documentary interviews, scholarship programs, solar panel purchases, 2 new school building constructions, sustainable lunch programs and much more! Follow me on this journey from June 30th-July 26th.

The Mwebaza Foundation’s mission is to enrich the relationships among our Colorado and African partner schools through cross-cultural exchange and service learning that enhances educational opportunities, fosters a healthy learning environment, and promotes self-sufficiency.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sports Day

Today I woke up and it was raining! This delayed the school march through town by an hour. However, I'm not actually sure if it was the rain that delayed things or if this is just another example of everything running on "Africa time." We marched from Mwebaza School to the field where Sports Day was held. But when I say march, it wasn't just the school marching through town... there was an entire marching band leading the way! I will say it wasn't the safest of events with motorcycle taxis passing by on either side of kindergartners, BUT more dangerous things have happened.

Once we arrived at the field for Sports Day, the students divided up into their respective teams: the Cranes (Uganda's National Bird), the Doves, and the Eagles (of course I was an Eagle). The morning was filled with different activities from relay races to balancing bottles on their heads. In the end, the Doves won and were awarded a goat!

After Sports Day we returned to Mwebaza School for an afternoon full of dance performances put on by the students. They also asked me to give an impromptu speech to the parents and community members that were there. I got up on stage, but before I could begin speaking they had wrapped a goat skin around my waist and asked me to dance for them! I grabbed a few students and staff and tried to imitate how they move their waists as the parents were hooting and hollering. After that, I was able to speak to the community on behalf of the Mwebaza Foundation. I know that the administration of Mwebaza School struggle to get the parents to support their children's education at times, so I focused my speech on the importance of consistent education.

Today was also graduation day for Top Class (Kindergarten). After they dressed me in a graduation gown, I was instructed to pose with every parent and graduate for a picture. After pictures, it was time to enjoy a very rare treat - cake time! 

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