Hi, I'm Devaki Douillard

Hi, I'm Devaki Douillard, the Mwebaza Foundation's Development Assistant. This year I'm returning to Africa to visit our partner schools in Uganda and Kenya. I'll be working on documentary interviews, scholarship programs, solar panel purchases, 2 new school building constructions, sustainable lunch programs and much more! Follow me on this journey from June 30th-July 26th.

The Mwebaza Foundation’s mission is to enrich the relationships among our Colorado and African partner schools through cross-cultural exchange and service learning that enhances educational opportunities, fosters a healthy learning environment, and promotes self-sufficiency.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Arrival at St. Paul School

 Yesterday's attempt to find internet in Nkokonjeru, the town nearest St. Paul School, was futile. Even though I have a transportable internet modem that uses a very popular cell phone carrier’s network, there was not enough service to actually use the internet.
We arrived at St. Paul School yesterday afternoon and most of the children had already returned home. As we approached the school I could see the red roof of the new school poking out through the treetops. Then the trees and bushes parted and I laid my eyes on the incredible transformation that has become of St. Paul School! The new school building towers over the old school structure that is still where the students are taking classes until the roof of the new school is completed. The students will begin to use the new school even though it is lacking window and doors. Of course, we had budgeted for windows and doors, but the costs of construction exceeded our expectations, so the installation of windows and doors will have to wait until we can afford to do so.
St. Paul School Compound

In front of the new school (behind the old school) is a field full of leafy green vegetables that the school is growing for student lunches. And above the garden are five EnviroLoo toilets, which are in fact the first EnviroLoo toilets to be installed in all of Uganda! These toilets are waterless and waste-composting. For more information on EnviroLoo, please click here. Attached to the bathroom structure is a 500-liter water tank that is connected to a double spouted hand washing station.

EnviroLoo Bathroom Building

Hand Washing Station

New School Building (not quite finished)

Old School Structure 

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